Friday, 15 May 2009

Money makes the world go round, or in this case, American politics...

This post relates to a Guardian newspaper article printed on Tuesday 12th May. It can be read here- Barack Obama's key climate bill hit by $45m PR campaign

There is currently a PR battle waging in the US between environmental groups and the oil, gas and coal industry. So far the big players have spent $44.5 million this year on media campaigns, lobbying companies and donations to Congress members. Obama's bill could make a huge impact on global warming, not only cutting US emissions but leading by example. Countries would no longer be able to hide behind the excuse "America isn't playing ball so why should we?".

Saturday, 3 January 2009

Thursday, 1 January 2009

Pressure on Israel is the key to peace

It is clear that Israel is in charge - especially in the current violence - of the situation in and around the Gaza strip. In three days Israel managed to kill 375 Palestinians as opposed to Hamas' efforts of 4 Israeli deaths.

But Israel cannot help being provoked by Hamas. In order for any kind of moderate government movement to start up in Gaza, Israel, in the short term, must commit to peace and allow essential aid into Gaza. This conflict is a vicious circle which will only stop once one side stops attacking the other. This change in attitude must come from Israel. As the more developed and democratic of the two belligerents, Israel needs to set an example. If they do not and carry on with their ground offensive into Gaza they will only fuel the hatred of Israel by young Palestinians, breeding the next generation of suicide bombers and rocket launchers. Children seeing Israeli tanks every few years tear apart their homes destroys any idea of peace for the future.